Most forms are in PDF format. You will need a PDF reader program to open these files. If you choose to fill out an interactive form, you will need Office 2007 or later.
2024-2025_Facts & Fees – This sheet is an abbreviated list of all pertinent facts and fees. It is a great resource to print off for your administration and especially your book-keepers.
Region V Facts & Fees – This sheet is an abbreviated list of all pertinent facts and fees specifically for Region V. It is a great resource to print off for your administration and especially your book-keepers.
Sponsor Cover Form 2024-2025_fillable – this form MUST be sent in with your registrations for each Orchestra Division event. Do not forget your principal’s signature and your updated membership card.
Request-to-be-Excused – To obtain this form, email the President stating your request, then submit the form to the appropriate committee chair. All requests to be excused must be submitted by the registration due date of the affected event unless they are an emergency. Requests to be excused will not be approved until the appropriate paperwork is filled out and the request is considered by the committee running the event. Please note that just because you ask does not automatically excuse you from said event.
Bookkeeper Forms:
CPA_BookkeeperInvoice_2025: This file can be used as an invoice for your school’s bookkeeper for Concert Performance Assessment (formerly known as Concert Festival). To register for this event, please visit the Concert Performance Assessment page and follow the steps. There is also a Youtube video to help with this process. Registration forms are due by January 15th. The forms may also be delivered to the Assessment chair at All-State Auditions.
Region Event_BookkeeperInvoice_2025: This file can be used as an invoice for your school’s bookkeeper for Solo & Ensemble Festival. To register for this event, please visit the Solo & Ensemble Festival page and follow the steps.
REGION V Bookkeeper Invoice for Region EVENT 2025– reflecting the $40 event registration fee
S&E_BookkeeperInvoice_2025: This file can be used as an invoice for your school’s bookkeeper for Solo & Ensemble Festival. To register for this event, please visit the Solo & Ensemble Festival page and follow the steps.
Event Forms
Region Audition Information Form – this form is for teacher use only. Region audition registration information is located on the Region Audition Registration. You must be a SCMEA Orchestra Division member to view the registration page. Registration is due by September 15th.
Region Orchestra Registration Forms – please look under the Region Registration Page for forms. You must be a SCMEA Orchestra Division member to see this registration form. These forms are due by October 15th for all students who are to attend Region Orchestra regardless of Region event dates.
All-State Orchestra Registration Form – please look under the All-State Registration Page for forms. Registration is due by February 1st to Ginger Greer.
Performance Assessment Score Application– This file can be used to get approval for groups considering using music not found on approved state lists for Concert Performance Assessment (formerly known as Concert Festival). See the Concert Performance Assessment page for details.
Forms for Hosting Events
Expense and Travel Reimbursement Form 2024-2025 – this form is for reimbursement from our Executive Director for Orchestra Division events. Please send these forms in as soon after the event as possible. Forms held for more than 30 days after an event may not receive reimbursement so get forms and receipts in quickly.
W9 form – All judges and conductors for all Orchestra Division events must fill out this form in order to receive payment for services. These forms also go to the Executive Director and may be sent in with the voucher forms for the same person. Again, please submit these forms in a timely manner.